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Icelandic Roots

Genealogy has always been a passion for the people of Iceland. It is an integral part of the culture for people to have researched their roots and to know who their ancestors are and who is in their extended family.  In 2003, the first Genealogy Center was incorporated as an important event for the annual Deuce of August Icelandic Celebration, which is held in Mountain, North Dakota.

Connecting cousins from Iceland to their cousins in ”Western Iceland” has been one of the main purposes of the Genealogy Center. George Freeman began the Genealogy Center in 2003 and Sunna Olafson Furstenau joined him as a helper that year. Sunna went on to become the original founder of Icelandic Roots and is President of the organization which deploys dozens of contributors on a strictly volunteer basis.


These volunteers add about 3,000 new profiles to the database every month and update an additional 6,000 profiles every month. The Icelandic Roots database is, and will continue to be for future generations, an invaluable resource for people of Icelandic descent to trace their genealogy and to identify their kinfolk.  

The free Icelandic Roots Genealogy Center continues to be a popular event at the annual Deuce of August celebration. See the links below to learn more.

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